Choosing your technology for college!

By: Sarah Massagee

Hey guys! This is your friendly neighborhood SPSU polyblogger Sarah! Yes, usually I vlog, but due to technical difficulties of me dropping my tablet, I will be doing a regular blog. (I know, not as exciting. Now you have to READ. GASP)


So, I figure today we would have a wonderful conversation about choosing what technology you should have when you come to college. I see a lot of students who are on a budget and buying the most expensive, unnecessary technology money could buy. Don’t get me wrong, I love technology as much as the next person! It’s a great feeling to have newest and greatest technology; but, do you NEED it?


Now of course you’re going to try to justify yourself to me: “But I’m an artist! I need that Mac!” “I’m in game design! I need all the technology to export games on!” or “I’m an engineer! I need to have access to all this technology to make it better!”  Right. You’re in college, you’re on a budget. So let’s really think about this. I’ll take each of those excuses one at a time. (Yes, I know there are more excuses, but let’s just do these for now).

Artists: Yes. I know Macs are pretty and shiny and they have that resolution that you “need” to make your artwork beautiful. But the cheapest MacBook Pro is around $1,000. But it gets better! What about all that adobe software you need? To be honest, you probably are going to want that iPhone to go with it. Now of course I know about Apple’s warranty policy, but you’re in college! A Windows laptop can be as cheap as $249.99.


Now, I know they aren’t the greatest, but I am also an artsy fartsy person. I promise a windows will do what you need it to do AND it will also save you money that you can spend on other things. Such as food. And tacos. Mainly tacos. You could buy at least 800 tacos with the money you save! And also, once you get that big girl/boy job, you can totally afford that apple product of your dreams. Don’t forget, SPSU artist have a Mac lab on campus that you have access to for all your Apple needs! This laptop only has to last 4 years, and then you can imagine getting the biggest Mac you could get after those 4 years! I know. You’re shocked.


Now to you gamers. The answer is no. Very RARELY are you going to actual export your games to these devices. You’re games are going to be PC. Don’t buy anything you don’t NEED. Save that money so you can get an amazingly super awesome computer when you get that big boy/girl programming job when you graduate. Heck, when you’ve got the money you could get all the devices you want! And you don’t have to lie to yourself about NEEDING that new android/windows/apple phone/tablet.

Time for the engineering excuse. Pretty much see the response above. I promise it applies to you as well.

So, when you go to best buy, ebay, amazon or where ever it is you kids are going to get your technology these days, remind yourself: this only needs to last for 4 years. It doesn’t have to be perfect. It only needs to get the job done. You’re going to Southern Poly. Wanna know the average amount student’s make after graduation?



Trust me. All that technology you’ve been dreaming about? You can and will get it! My advice, is get something that has around a 4 year life span. 4 years from now you’re going to want the next big thing anyway. So make sure you browse, cheap isn’t always bad. Maybe even go used if you’re desperate enough!!!

I helped you.


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